Gratitude Practice 365 - NON STOP Journey - Last blog

Today is December 31, 2021, and I am grateful for crowning the journey of the blog series called "Gratitude Practice 365" that had been commenced on January 1, 2021. I confidently and proudly announced that I achieved this innovative mark without missing or delaying a single day, yes 365 days and every day - NON STOP blog writing on the topic of gratitude. I appreciate and recognize the significance of series for a variety of reasons, for instance:

  • Arshi Ali is an originator and a founder of the blog series named "Gratitude Practice 365". This journey was non - stop, 365 days in a year, although the year of 2021 was filled with a variety of up and downs and a lot more, however, the momentum was ON throughout the year 
  • This blog series is now my identity, individuality and read/shared widely across the region. Daily I picked up an unexplored or unique or special subject or theme to reflect on and closely identified its blessings and endorsements
  • This writing and composing journey expand my knowledge and wisdom and further heightened my insight and understanding. While writing I focused and explore further to better understand its blessings and worth in my personal, professional and social life
  • 2o21 was a bit busy year for me professionally, socially and personally, however, the speed, motivation and acceleration were on. I passed my CRPO exam, attended a variety of professional development courses, reading, webinars, sessions, offering a variety of training, facilitated sessions in person and virtual, busy with clients, writing for MWC, school's newsletters, LinkedIn, Thriveglobal, parenting is journey series, enjoy the nature, focused on personal development, recycling clothes, busy with cooking, baking, laundry, dishes, making spices and pickles, teaching children Quran and homework, enjoyed potlucks, special celebrations, Ramadan,  sometimes sick and sometimes children or hubby not well, COVID 19, visiting or inviting friends and along with the momentum was ON for writing a blog and personally achieved the target with persistency 

  • Gratitude Practice 365  influenced my wellness and wellbeing, for instance, everyday writing a blog boosted my sense of achievement and accomplishment and further strengthened self-esteem and self-confidence, at the end of the day I achieved something meaningful and significant in my life and that thought added value and worth

  • Gratitude Practice 365 focused on the day to day undertaking with the lens of gratitude such as learning, session, webinar, food, cuisines, spices, recreational activities, fruits, vegetables, personalities I am inspired with, books, household stuff, applications, clothing, family, children, significance days, celebrations, visits, reflections,  months, seasons, days, facilities, body parts, nature, mental health, wellness, relationships, journeys, professional life, special days, cooking, baking, painting, professional and social life
  • My most genuine gratitude to Google and its application blogger to make my dream come true and let me avail this opportunity. Yes, Gratitude Practice 365 is written and composed on blogger. I am honestly thankful to my family, friends, colleagues and relatives for their support, encouragement, prayers and blessings to broaden my vision and perspective and successfully has completed this journey


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