Today I am grateful for attending a session of the road to recovery, rebuilding and resilience workshop series titled "Emotional Intelligence". This session was offered by the Malton Women council (MWC), hosted by Uzma Aziz Irfan and facilitated by Shveta Pathak. I appreciate and comprehend the significance of today's session for a variety of reasons, for instance:
- Malton Women Council is spreading awareness regarding mental health and wellbeing in the community and this series is about the road to recovery, rebuilding and resilience. This is a great learning opportunity to be knowledgeable and informed. These sessions are free of cost for everyone (No need to pay a single $) and a huge financial relief at this time of the COVID 19
- Today's facilitator was Shveta Pathak. She is a certified personal development life coach, emotional intelligence coach, certified energy healer, who specializes in helping people connect with their true selves, realize their vision, smash limiting beliefs to live a content and happy life
- Uzma Irfan was a moderator and hosted a session very well. Uzma is an executive director of Malton Women Council (MWC)
- The session commenced with introducing yourself and what is emotional intelligence for you? Everyone shared and participated in the conversation. The taken insight and notion of today's session:
- What emotional intelligence is NOT?
- The difference between IQ and EQ
- How well do you read other people? The screen was shared with the quiz, faces with a variety of emotions with a four-point rating scale. The facilitator explained the names of the emotion and comprehend the expression very well
- Let's explore the emotion and intelligence
- Salovey and Mayer proposed a model that identified four different factors of EI such as perception, reason and management
- How do we perceive emotions?
- Application: Personal and Social
- Self-awareness such as strengths, abilities, weaknesses and sometimes hidden capabilities and skills
- Values and self-awareness
- Feeling words
- Tips to build self-awareness such as
- Keep a journal of feelings
- Make a list of roles
- Predict
- The three why's
- Ask for feedback
- Meditation
- What fills and drains your tank?
- Perceiving emotions
- Common situation
- Relationship management
- How to improve EQ?
- The facilitator invited everyone to share emotions, interpreted and explained the link between emotions and their connection very well
- Today's session was highly engaging and interacting. This is my incredible learning and journey with the Malton Women council (MWC). Find webinar, session or training that soothes your personal, social and professional needs is the thought of the day
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask or comment below
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