Wellness Cafe Gup Shup 

Today I am grateful for the wellness cafe gup shup session, facilitated by Abdul Rashid Athar, with the collaboration of the Afghan Women Organization (AWO) and United Way Greater Toronto. These sessions offered in various languages, for instance, Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi. Today I am thankful for attending a session for a variety of reasons, for instance:

  • Today's session was started with sharing quotes related to the food and related practices of eating meals
  • Today's sitting was innovative in the sense to have two guest speaker for sharing useful information regarding Oats and the uses of bananas and other fruits, recipes also shared at the end
  • Nutritious and healthy food was discussed, everyone got a chance to share a special relationship with the food
  • It was an awesome session to hear other stories regarding their emotional connection with the food or meal
  • Gup shup session was an excellent way to uncover, reveal and exhibits association or attachment with specific food
  • Today I learned how food describe a certain culture and attached emotions and feelings, and at a deeper level understood the culture and the food, as it goes hand in hand
  • At this time of the COVID 19 pandemic, wellness cafe gup shup is the great support for the community, while staying at home 
  • Great source of learning and discovering evidence from each other
  • Find your interest cafe at this time of the COVID 19 pandemic and have gup shup, this is the recommendation of the day

If you have any question or concern, please feel free to ask or comment below

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