
Today I am grateful for the candles and their significance in our life. I appreciate its presence and the importance of all variety of candles. Its usage and value vary from situation to situation and person to person. I would say that sometimes we take it for granted and do not understand its significance. I acknowledge its importance for multiple reasons, for instance:

  • Candles eternally enhance, intensify and beautify the environment  
  • Candlelight dinner is the most fascinating, charming and demanding supper
  • For the warm welcome to the guest, people usually lit candles for the fragrance and as an honour and admire their presence
  • Candles absorb all kind of smell, that's why housewife always lit a candle while cooking, frying, steaming or baking 
  • In Asian country, still, you may find few females who make Kajal with the burning candles and use it to beautifying their eyes
  • You may discover some of the regions in the world, still utilizing a burning candle for a talisman or spell
  • Even poets many time utilize the lighted candles to symbolizes their emotions and feelings
  • It comes various colours and texture, you can match with the interior and beautify your atmosphere
  • For convenience, there are now electronic and rechargeable candles available 
  • Scented candles now in demand, it does not only elevate the surroundings but produce the fragrance of your choice
  • Lit the candles, with the bubble bath could heighten and intensify the bathing experience
  • Some countries still use it whenever power is off, candles bring some light to their surroundings
  • People usually lit a candle and hold it during the protest
  • In history, you may find that many scholars, scientists and educators used to study even read and write in the light of candles and achieved a lot 
  • That's my journey with the candles, what are your thoughts on the candles, please feel free to share in the comment box