Journaling - Journey of ideas

 Journaling - Journey of ideas

Today I am grateful for this journal or in other words a diary or a log to transfer or ground my ideas. This journal is not much expensive, I purchased it from Dollarama, worth approximately $ 3 but it was the enduring commencement of the journey of thoughts and ideas. It was in a variety of tones but I fancied with the soft and feminine sensuality, with the PINK colour. I use and approach it many times in the day and I appreciate its presence in my life for various reasons, for instance:

  • Its top case continuously evokes me that "create your own ideas". It is a reminder for the journey of creation and formulation of ideas on a daily basis
  • I stamped inside with diverse impressions to create ideas and use them for multi-purposes for instance:
    • Ideas and plans for parenting is a journey blog series
    • Generate approaches for gratitude practice 365 blog series
    • Theories and analogies I am working for, always write my ideas in this journal
    • Strategies I am closely working for ......... (future blogs)
    • Articles pen for Globalthrive and for LinkedIn, admittedly, related philosophies and notions always generate in this journal
    • The personal development module progress is also a part of this log
    • I also utilize and manage it for taking notes of all my webinars attending nowadays from EHN Canada, CAMH, Bell Let's Talk, TNO and any other in the field of mental health. Information stays longer in the brain if notes were taken, that's my personal way of learning strategy

  • This journal promotes and maintains my journey of creativity, imagination and planning of ideas

  • It also encourages me to be concise, compact, organizes, design, and direct thought processes, actually this journal setting up new milestones in my growth and evolution in all perspectives of living
  • Further development, advancement  and achieve excellence in my profession is dependent on this journal

  • Whenever an article, analogy, or blog is published, I stamped it published, this way it also assists to track all of the activities I am engaged in nowadays
  • I found this journal a reliable, trustworthy and protected way to a safe landing of plans and ideas 
  • Journaling is a powerful strategy to pursue and shadow your thoughts and keep it organize and on track
  • Find your own ways of journaling or organizing your thoughts and impressions is the recommendation of the day

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask or comment below


  1. Very creative, ambitious and healthy. It would be a challenge to maintain!

  2. This is not a challenge for me, however, it is the journey to explore at a deeper level. Thank you Eva for your incredible guidance and the support at every single step of advancement and excellence, I truly appreciate that. I am grateful that you are my supervisor and mentor

    Warm regards

  3. Thank you so much Arshi for inspiring many with your thoughtful blogs. I am going to try starting a journal of my own. Let’s hope I can continue with that!

    1. Excellent!!!
      I you require any support or guidance, please feel free to contact me

