Let's practice gratitude

 Gratitude Practice 365

The purpose of this blog is to practice gratitude for 365 days and this incredible journey will be commencing from January 1, 2021, till December 31, 2021. The journey does not depend on the circumstances or my mood, however, it depends on practicing and utilizing a gratitude lens while exploring layers of the day-to-day situation. The focus of this blog series is to appreciate, acknowledge, recognize and comprehend the countless blessings. Gratitude has the power to alter brain chemicals and heighten the mood. Research suggests that whenever gratitude is expressed, the brain radiates the feel-good hormones. Neuroscientists mentioned that brain activity changes whenever a focus is on the good. Gratitude practice 365 blogs also give inspiration to the reader on how much we are blessed and the things we take for granted. Gratitude has the ability to alter the mind and soul, in other words, gratitude changes everything. Gratitude informs you that how blessed you are and in what capacity. Gratitude reassures you and shifts the paradigm from not enough to enough in your life. 

Gratitude is the passport to good mental health

We always have something for grateful in our life, just look around

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